Social Program

Aveiro Portuguese Capital of Culture 2024

Aveiro is Portugal's capital of culture in 2024. A considerable number of cultural events will happen throughout all duration of the conference. You may check the schedule on the website that is constantly being updated.

From July 17 to 21 - Festival dos Canais (Channel’s Festival)

The Festival dos Canais July 17 to 21 is a multidisciplinary meeting of the arts in a public space that takes the city of Aveiro as an open stage, where artists from different geographies interconnect with the daily life and life of the territory to present their creations. On several stages, distributed throughout the city, shows from various artistic areas, including street theater, new circus, dance, music, performance and other expressions. It is a living laboratory for presenting new perspectives on the collective memory of this region and its identity traits, while at the same time revealing the current state of contemporary artistic creation.

We are welcome to join those activities and enjoy Aveiro.
More information at

Tuesday, July 16

18:20 - 19:30 - Welcome-Reception
Amphitheaters of the Pedagogical, Scientific and Technological Complex - Building no. 23
(Google Maps), Aveiro University

Photos - University of Aveiro

Wednesday, July 17

20:30 - 22:00 Walking tour around Aveiro center

Thursday, July 18

15:30 - Departure by bus for a visit to the beaches of Barra and Costa Nova, with a short stop at the Praia da Barra lighthouse, the tallest lighthouse in Portugal and one of the tallest in Europe, and Costa Nova beach, famous for its colorful striped houses.

17:30 - Group guided tour to the Vista Alegre Museum, including de Vista Alegre´s Chapel

19:30 - 22:30 - Conference Dinner at the Montebelo Vista Alegre Ílhavo Hotel

Friday, July 19

12:30 – Awards and closing ceremony. Farewell
Pedagogical, Scientific and Technological Complex - Building nº23, Universidade de Aveiro (Google Maps)